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Head, Ears, eyes, nose and throat Disorders

There are many different common illnesses that involves the head, ear, eyes, nose and throat that adults and children may experience. Whether you need care of a recurrent infection or more serious condition, Compassion care clinic diagnose and treat a variety of conditions. Typical HEENT problems that we see:



Headache is experienced by 90% to 95% of the population and is one of the 10 most common complaints in the clinic setting. It is essential to differentiate secondary from primary headaches because secondary headaches can be harbingers of a potentially more serious medical problem than primary headache. 
Primary headaches are most common and are not symptomatic of another medical condition. Types of primary headaches include:
Migraine with and without Aura – Most patient describe their headache as pounding or throbbing, aggravated by physical activity, light, sound and noise. Episodes often lasting 4-72 hours and may be associated with nausea and vomiting.
Chronic or episodic Tension-type headaches – Most patient describe their headaches as feeling like there is a tight band around the head as is not exacerbated by physical activity, but a common trigger is stress. Nausea and vomiting are not usually present. Episode often lasting minutes to hours. 

Chronic or episodic Cluster headaches – Most patient usually states that their headache usually awakened them during the night with severe one-sided head pain and often pain behind the eye. Attacks maybe be several times per day lasting 15 minutes to about 90 minutes. 

Secondary Headaches are less common and are usually the results of an underlying disease or condition such as: Aneurysm, tumor, hemorrhage, temporal arteries or meningitis

Although most individuals do not seek medical attention for headache and often use over the counter (OTC) medications and home remedies such as ice packs and rest, it is important to talk to your doctor about your headaches. 



Headache is experienced by 90% to 95% of the population and is one of the 10 most common complaints in the clinic setting. It is essential to differentiate secondary from primary headaches because secondary headaches can be harbingers of a potentially more serious medical problem than primary headache. 

Primary headaches - are most common and are not symptomatic of another medical condition.  Types of primary headaches include:

Migraine with and without Aura – Most patient describe their headache as pounding or throbbing, aggravated by physical activity, light, sound and noise. Episodes often lasting 4-72 hours and may be associated with nausea and vomiting.

Chronic or episodic Tension-type headaches – Most patient describe their headaches as feeling like there is a tight band around the head as is not exacerbated by physical activity, but a common trigger is stress. Nausea and vomiting are not usually present. Episode often lasting minutes to hours. 

Chronic or episodic Cluster headaches – Most patient usually states that their headache usually awakened them during the night with severe one-sided head pain and often pain behind the eye. Attacks maybe be several times per day lasting 15 minutes to about 90 minutes. 

Secondary Headaches - are less common and are usually the results of an underlying disease or condition such as: Aneurysm, tumor, hemorrhage, temporal arteries or meningitis.

Although most individuals do not seek medical attention for headache and often use over the counter (OTC) medications and home remedies such as ice packs and rest, it is important to talk to your doctor about your headaches. 


Otitis external (swimmer's ears)

Approximately 1 in 125 people develop Swimmer’s ear. This is an inflammation or infection of the ear canal that may extend to the auricle (Pinna), causing pain of the affected ear and the feeling of fullness or itching. Most patient experience drainage and mild hearing loss. 

Otitis media (ear infection)

Is an inflammatory or infection process that may be bacterial, fungal, or viral in origin and is most often associated with recent upper respiratory tract infections or allergies. It is characterized by fluid in the middle ear causing acute ear pain, pain is often worse in a prone (laying on your back) position. Other associating symptoms include fever, ear itching, running nose, vomiting and diarrhea. 

Cerumen impaction (ear wax infection)

Ear wax is a natural substance that can become dry and immobile causing partial or complete occlusion of the external ear canal. Patient often experience fullness or hearing loss, discomfort, itching, ring in the ear, dizziness and cough. Compassion Care clinic can help you by removing impaction or by prescribing cerumenolytic agents. 


Viral and Bacterial Conjunctivitis (pink eye)

Pink eye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (white of the eye). Infectious causes include viruses and bacteria and noninfectious cause includes allergy or exposure to toxins. 

Viral conjunctiva causes red eye with excessive watery discharge. Classically it begins in a one eye and then involves the fellow eye within days. 

Bacterial conjunctiva causes think, purulent discharge. Most patient reports that eyes are sticky or glued shut with yellowish crust. 


Allergic Rhinitis (Nasal drainage/congestion)

This is a condition characterized by sneezing, running nose, nose itching, throat itching, watery eyes and more severe cases fatigue, headache and fever. Exposure to pollens, weeds, trees, grass, animals’ dander, dust mites, foods, insect stings, cockroach droppings, mold spores and medication can cause symptoms. Although indoor and outdoor environmental control is recommended to reduce symptoms, medication interventions may be appropriate to reduce reoccurrence. Reoccurrence may increase asthma and other pulmonary disease exacerbation as well as worsening sleep apnea. Experts at Compassion care clinic can find the right treatment for you and your family. 

Sinusitis (Acute and Chronic sinus infections)

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal infections or allergic reaction. It is usually precipitated by a recent viral respiratory tract infection. Acute infection resolves with treatment within 2-3 weeks and chronic sinusitis continues for 12 weeks or longer. Symptoms include nasal congestion, facial or dental pain, postnasal drip, headache, fever, and yellow or greenish discharge. Symptoms can greatly affect quality of life, experts at Compassion care clinic uses a combination of traditional medicine and modern medicine to help reduce symptoms so that you can live your best life. 


Allergic Rhinitis (Nasal drainage/congestion)

This is a condition characterized by sneezing, running nose, nose itching, throat itching, watery eyes and more severe cases fatigue, headache and fever. Exposure to pollens, weeds, trees, grass, animals’ dander, dust mites, foods, insect stings, cockroach droppings, mold spores and medication can cause symptoms. Although indoor and outdoor environmental control is recommended to reduce symptoms, medication interventions may be appropriate to reduce reoccurrence. Reoccurrence may increase asthma and other pulmonary disease exacerbation as well as worsening sleep apnea. Experts at Compassion care clinic can find the right treatment for you and your family. 

Sinusitis (Acute and Chronic sinus infections)

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal infections or allergic reaction. It is usually precipitated by a recent viral respiratory tract infection. Acute infection resolves with treatment within 2-3 weeks and chronic sinusitis continues for 12 weeks or longer. Symptoms include nasal congestion, facial or dental pain, postnasal drip, headache, fever, and yellow or greenish discharge. Symptoms can greatly affect quality of life, experts at Compassion care clinic uses a combination of traditional medicine and modern medicine to help reduce symptoms so that you can live your best life. 


Pharyngitis and tonsillitis (Sore throat)

Sore throat may result from postnasal drainage, dust, smoke, dryness, toxin and more commonly infection such as Streptococcus pyogenes include groups A, C, and G B-hemolytic strep. The most common symptoms are sore throat, painful swallowing, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Early treatment with antibiotic is indicated. 

Mononucleosis (mono/kissing disease)

Mon/Kissing disease is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and it is transmitted through the saliva. Symptoms include sore throat, fever, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes. Even though Mon is a virus infection, other disorder may be present including enlarge spleen and enlarge liver that will require medical expertise. 

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